Polar Institute
Welcome to Polar Institute!
"What do you want to do in the future?"
"I don't know..."
When children are asked this question, this is often the response.
Now, we can see a general decline in the physical fitness of children, a lack of confidence in themselves, no interest in anything, no imagination for the future, no motivation to take action, and a passive reaction of being push forward constantly. Seeing children in a state of confusion and lack of spirit, we are very eager to infuse them with strength.
協助孩子們架構自己的世界觀、價值觀、人生觀,讓孩子們擁有足夠的體魄、智慧、能力去面對未來的不可預計和不確定。 整合教育和體智能系統,打破單科學習方式,採用主題式整合學習的方式,讓孩子從主題、事件中學習,把學生的認知作為教育的核心,而非傳授的教學內容。
Our goals are to assist our students in structuring their worldviews, values, and beliefs, then accompany them to obtain enough physique, wisdom, and capabilities to face the unpredictability and uncertainty of the future.
Our integrated education and physique-wisdom-capability system are designed to break from the traditional single-subject learning method and adopt the theme-based integrated learning strategy. We want to ensure that whatever we teach to our children is learned so that it can be applied when needed. The key is in the application, not the subject taught.
你 知道他身體健康,你知道他有夢想並在不斷努力,你知道他獨立自主,你知道他懂得解決問題並遇到困難時不會放棄,你知道他不管在什麼時候都會對世界抱有熱愛,你知道他有自己的人生哲學充滿智慧,你知道你真的不用擔心他......